Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet XIX

YET fie on lies, and fie on false Appeales :
No Minister in England lesse affectes
Those wanton kisses, that leaud folly steales,
Then Hee, whome onely Ribaldry suspectes.
Were I a foole, (what man playes not the foole?
The world is full of fooles, and full of sectes :)
Yet was Iohn neuer spoyled with the toole,
That Richard made : and none, but none infectes.
The third is better knowne in Court and Schoole,
Then thy vaine Quipp, or my Defence shalbe :
Whose Eie, but his, that sitts on Slaunders stoole,
Did euer him in Fleete, or Prison see?
     Lowd Mentery small confutation needes :
     Avaunt black Beast, that sowes fuch curfed feedes.


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